[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

okay so we have to lynch 100% scum here
because if we don’t

and i think it’s neither
but im not saying shit

so derps

i agree
but i wanted to make an eyesore

@Vulgard has subbed in for @Jane!

as usual, don’t discuss replacements, yadda yadda.


Marshete when


why did you sub into scum :frowning:

Classes known to Exist
Congregation (10/11 Alive)
Blood Mage Dry, Arete, Apprentice Katze (4) - 1 Is Wolf
Diviner -1 Appel, Italy (2)
Oracle Wazza (1)
Conjurer Amelia, Derps (2)
Minister: Marshal (1)
Enchanter Alice (1)
WD Sulit (1)
ME (1)

Atleast 2 wolves in this group
Heretics (3/4 Alive)
Shaman ?
Sorceror Kyo, ? (2)
Seer - Vulgard
Traitor (1/1 Alive)
Elementalist -

1 Missing Claims: An_gorta_Pratai


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@Vulgard what did you do last night fren

@Vulgard have you read the thread

vulgod i love you

also your slot claimed minister

is this true?

i haven’t read the thread and i’m making a mistake subbing in because i have a busy week but anyway im here

is my slot lockscum or something

no but scumread and very inactive

Why didn’t I sub into scum
I need to practice scumgod Amelia

and please no dumbass rts because they dont work on me

you subbed into a convert didn’t you

why would town you think that

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