[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Or converts, yes
But the statement holds true if we talk about starting wolf

/vote Arete

lets go vulgard

its us against the world

when he flips wolf will you actually re eval

at all

also napoleonā€™s slot is like
lock wolf
iā€™m reading the iso and itā€™s really bad

if vulgard flips wolf im locktowning arete mentally and never talking about that slot again this game

this is 10000000% not a W/W thunderdome though

no way that gets orchestrated this fast

undeveloped thoughts are a sign of a wolf napoleon and i donā€™t think he improved at all as the game progressed

write me a wallpost

this is a serious request because if I actually managed to be wrong about your alignment this game I think the wallpost would prove it

but also Iā€™m not wrong about your alignment

write me a wallpost

detailing the case on arete

cause you seem so fucking adamant

and i want to see why you think so

you just asked arete to write an aretepost about arete


i meant to ask vul

like thatā€™s the post i want vul to write

okay well i was trying to bait vulgard into jumping on the arete wagon with me


it clearly didnt work

i mean iā€™m doing it more for marshal and less for arete but

ok so letā€™s unpack this
arete enters the thread attacking people at random and talking about mechanics
then throws an early townlean on marshal for bad reasons that feel like they are TMIng the slot because itā€™s not like they have a great read on marshal really

so apparently the p-

i said nothing arete is a villager lol

he was already on the Arete wagon

wait was he



donā€™t ask me how i reached that conclusion
i guess i needed to actually read areteā€™s posts instead of concluding based on almost nothing

i think vulgard is town