[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

vulgard why are you wolf :frowning:

so none of the three was a heretic but at least one was swapped out huh

Vulgard I have a question

your posts feel sad

are you sad


that’s a deep read if i’ve ever seen one

“you aren’t town, you aren’t scum. you are just sad

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no it’s not

deep as in like… deep, man

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it is and it bothers me because it’s accurate

wolf AtE

i have a lot to do and too little time to do it. days pass by super quick and i don’t have time to handle everything and it bothers me so fweh

but it’s not game-relevant so i probably shouldn’t clog up the thread with it


if arete is reverse ateing me to make me change my read on them i’m gonna cry in a corner

only wolves are nice :sunglasses:

arete/alice/marshal having at least 2 villagers is interesting
i need to read alice iso

i’m also tired as fuck but that’s me every day this week so it’s not unusual
lemme check something
and also this is a playstyle thing. i’m hoping to find success and i don’t think wallposts lead me to success
also i’m keeping my promise to arete

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i’ll say right off the bat that as a villager alice seems to have higher postcount

which isn’t the case this game
might seem like a really dumb read on a strong player but i really do think that

like in anime fm she was one of the most vocal players
part of it was because she was pushed but even without the push

i think her posts here are porpotional to poisonous

i mean i think before i pushed her for ALL of D2 she wasnt a topposter by any means

but factchecking that would be too much work

she wasn’t even a villager on D1

lemme do some math™

i’m aware