[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Me converting katze sounds reasonable enough
You can never really get a grasp on kat’s alignment


| Appelsiini |Arete, Braixen, Alice, katze, Apprentice, Marshal|6/9|
|Jgoesgaming|sulit, Wiisp, Napoleon|3/9|
|SirDerpsAlot|DryBones, KyoDaz |2/9|

@Italy why were you not voting

is is bad that i think wiisp as wolf converts sulit and only sulit?

like i think the only one wisp cares about in this game is sulit

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is there a mechanical thing there i’m missing

i have a super tinfoil reason to scumread somebody and i kind of want to tunnel it

but i also still think derps needs to die today


i don’t think wiisp is starting wolf so this isn’t importnat

but if they were/are, this is the case i htink



wiisp, who replaced out, has more posts than half the players in the game

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App is claiming Blood Mage who drained blood from Braix/Marsh/katze and then drank it

Wazza and Wisp both claim to have visited App

I guess technically that’s consistent with a Wazza/Wisp team exactly

but I think that’s unlikely

Ffs, have you read anything?

Apprentice, he visited no one.

i feel like this post is villagery af and something i’ve been thinking about myself lately

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i think a wisp W flip kinda incriminates sulit a bit

lmao the last post in wiisp iso is hilarious

Because it’s a quick way to reply because when it has edit you can’t reply.

I have mild insomnia atm.

i think arete v read this and i agree


these posts have villager energy imo

why would 2 scum visit the same target anyway?

quoting all the posts from App that either express a townread on anyone or mention his alleged targets