[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

im not outting who i visited last night

but there’s two classes who would want to bait night attacks

im not blood mage

I can provide more evidence i’m medium if need be

it’s still valid tho

You’re Enchanter, let me guess?

that would be cool

Katze is fucking claiming Oracle


if i get attacked i don’t die

Too bad there is no claim space

someone else dies in my place

is this a shaman claim?

You claiming Voodoo

If they claim Oracle.

Grabs Hammer and Sickle

This boi about to become communist on that ass.

that’s not how voodoo works i don’t think

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Katze just open wolfed

that’s not how WD works and I skimmed the class cards and I don’t think it’s how any other class works either

is this another RT

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Vote Katze they are open wolfing

see heres the problem

i didn’t realize thats not how it worked until today

no im genuinely really stupid and misread my ability on N1

+ We have mech info on them

prolly an RT

that’s def not how voodoo works omegalul