[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

we are all arete on this blessed day

nod nod


non traitor?



why is Amelia not in there

specifically Amelia

as opposed to Wisp

iā€™m under the impression if the entire game is talking about someone and thereā€™s no consensus on their alignment and everybodyā€™s reads are flip-flopping then itā€™s probably a villager, or at least more likely a villager than a wolf
the reason being if that player is a wolf, focusing the threadā€™s attention on a wolf doesnā€™t help advance the wolf agenda and the wolves donā€™t really have any motivation to do so as a result
unless they are just fucking around, but if they are fucking around, why not try to fuck around with a villager instead of discussing a wolf slot for the entire day

i think the motivation is there if the slot being discussed is a villager, and itā€™s not quite there if the slot is a wolf
this overly elaborate post leads me to believe marshal may be >rand villager

I think wiisp is def starting town

and this is a wiisp read, not an amelia read
they are 4 sure in my convert PoE but like i donā€™t think wiisp claims conjurer and not know what it does, and then just spend 400 posts talking about how hard the game is to play.

very likely V IMO

what do you think about this post

actually wait

who was the original person to clear Wisp for the Conjurer claim

me i believe

i donā€™t like it
it feels wolfy by itself
in the same vein of read of vul TMIing himself scum
but im not gonna wolfread her off this one post

first person to verbally call wisp a villager was you, arete

i would like to note that this exact thing happened in a recent game i played on mu
there was a lowposting slot which looked really bad but people thought it could be twtbaw villager and discussion had a tendency to warp around them especially in lylo
the slot was a villager

which makes me think this overly elaborate post i wrote about the idea behind discussing one slot way too much makes sense

the targets of these are villagers far more frequently than wolves, especially when there are multiple wolves alive. this line of reasoning loses merit when several wolves are dead, at which point itā€™s equally likely that the slot being discussed is a villager/wolf because wolves are unable to influence the discussion nearly as much as they otherwise would be

but right now we have 4 wolves alive (one is a lost wolf but still) and as such i think marshal is >rand v based on the discussion around their slot

thatā€™s not a read i would bank much on, but itā€™s the way iā€™m thinking about it

and then marshal, and then arete reads wisp harder

Iā€™m going to play Hearthstone and probably some other things because a new Magic the Gathering expansion comes out in 2 hours.

hot take
arete/marshal not w/w

i feel like ur falsely concluding that the 2nd is because of the first


paranoid brain noises are like ā€˜Marshal/Wisp starting scum, the random Conjurer claim was orchestrated like in the second GI gameā€™


I donā€™t think this is rational


hot take:
mechanically thatā€™s already basically confirmed

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im not

arete verbally TR wisp first

then you did

and then arete ā€˜locksā€™ wisp as a V

i have no comments as to why you two said what you did