[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Amelia Arete, an_gorta_pratai, Wazza, DryBones 4/8
Apprentice Amelia, Alice 2/8
Icibalus Braixen 1/8
katze Icibalus 1/8
Wazza sulit 1/8
Arete Vulgard 1/8

6 hours remain

this has ATE and if that will make you sad then don't read it

the thing that hurts most about that post is the fact that Vul thinks that Iā€™m not trying hard enough to be a villager because Iā€™m trying as hard as I can and clearly Iā€™m not succeeding but ā€“ it hurts that he thinks Iā€™m not trying


last night we were starting to compare PoEs

can we do that

you forgot the selfvote


AtE without a selfvote is like a banana without ketchup

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you what

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I think I might have miscleared Marshal yesterday (and/or he got converted)

a lot of his posts today have been totally off-topic in a kind of complacent way

itā€™s like the thing Vul said about me not trying to solve except actually true

i said iā€™d solve at like 5 dummi

why not now

I donā€™t feel like it

im gonna do it after i take my english quiz

also some of his interactions feel kind of fake

what if i wanted to check my ISO and find a post becuase i wanted to see how someone reacted to it

and the forums said


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How much Hours left?

about 5 and a half


ici katze wazza alice italy are hard v
if any of them is a wolf then either some weird shit has happened like italy clearing their partner alice or kyo had some really weird spew
drybones would be there too but somebody brought up the possibility of them being converted and i kinda believe that might be the case honestly, i want them to post more and they arenā€™t really posting like i would expect them to come to think of it
braixen is someone i personally townread because i think his posts are too dumb to have a wolfy pov. like iā€™m not trying to insult his intelligence but heā€™s been doing blatantly wolfy things like rolefishing with a smile on his face and i think thatā€™s his method of solving the game which isā€¦ weird but villagery


napoleonā€™s slot i feel is getting a pass for no reason because napoleon was super wolfy early despite a high postcount and his replacement didnā€™t really help much so the slot is stuck in a similar position n.1ā€™s slot was in evolution, and n.1 was a wolf that game. the position being ā€œeeeeeh durrrr this can be a wolf but maybe letā€™s not lynch this now okā€ which i unfortunately contributed to as well
i have no idea why this slot is getting a pass and honestly this should have died a long time ago

apprentice and amelia. i will concede that they are wolfy. however letā€™s not ignore wiispā€™s insanely villagery day 1, and also letā€™s not ignore the fact apprentice manages to be super wolfy as a villager in a consistent manner. in the last botf game they had the wolfiest entry string of posts imaginable which i canā€™t bring up rn from memory but it was really bad and i incorrectly wolfread him because of it. the fact he seems to be completely unaware of how wolfy heā€™s being is the biggest indicator he may be a villager for me, like the fact he blatantly went against his own established rule and voted someone he didnā€™t wolfread at eod

sulit is in a weird spot where while i did townread them early she is just FLOATING here and thatā€™s a terrible sign. i think this slot is not a bad lynch at all and it has received exactly 0 pressure for no reason. her votes and kyoā€™s spew donā€™t clear her at all. she kinda just exists without doing shit and thatā€™s a terrible look. but again, just like napoleon, nobodyā€™s looking there for some reason

fucking marshal is someone who alice had a good point about, about his RTs being useless. in general it feels like he hasnā€™t been useful this game which may sound insulting but bear with me. village marshal generally has more confidence than this and less caution. the only time iā€™ve ever seen marshal CAUTIOUS was when he was wolfing. in poisonous he was like ā€œoooooo im gonna play less recklessly this gameā€ and guess what, wolf. in old ruins he was rather defensive early and didnā€™t boldly reach for the spotlight and the gamesolve all the time. guess what, wolf. surely there are more examples but these two come to mind. while he does have a lot of posts i think that some shit heā€™s done warrants scrutiny, especially the RTs which havenā€™t seemed to accomplish much of anything. i remember from lotr, where i wolfed with him, that he does this shit as a wolf to get reasons for pushes and reads and to generate chaos in the thread. honestly that seems to be the case in this game too, and despite the fact iā€™ve said marshal was a villager before, i think they might be wolfing. itā€™s a similar thing to what i said about arete where it looks like heā€™s trying to solve but really heā€™s just posting without any direction, he tries stuff but doesnā€™t really follow up on anything he attempts. it all feels like a performative mess and i donā€™t like it one bit.

i think thatā€™s all players covered here, either read this post and try to solve the damn game with me, or call me a wolf and vote me, whatever the fuck. point is the current thread consensus is bad, the current pushes are probably bad, and i am here to finally win as a villager after several months of losses, not to sit here quietly and watch another mislynch happen

ā€œvulgard has tmi on ameliaā€
i have 0 tmi on amelia
i think the previous player in that slot was villagery af and amelia never gets converted because thereā€™s like 5 players in this game who have excellent wolfgames and would make this game a home run if they were on the wolfteam (unless they already are). converting the utr is a dumbass move i pulled once and will not pull again. so amelia is not a convert fmpov
and for her to be a starting wolf we would have to ignore the fact wiisp was villagery af and look at just amelia
which is just a giant mistake

so all in all i think napoleon/marshal/sulit is the way, drybones possible convert, talking to arete rn. fuck the previous thread consensus, stop voting the wolfy villagers and think about why youā€™re on these wagons in the first place.

i bet 50% of the thread wonā€™t read this wall but to those who do, and who are villagers, play the game. iā€™m not gonna be here for eod but i want to see a damn a wolf flip that wasnā€™t from a ritual sacrifice.

the end


I just noticed that this post has a really dumb typo (ā€˜wolves with Apprenticeā€™)

can someone talk to me about this

do you think Iā€™m misclearing someone and if so who is it

(this is specifically for the two people who started as wolves with Kyo, not the traitor or the convert)

okay I read this

I have actual thoughts but I wanted to note that I read it first because it sucks to write a wallpost and not have anyone read it

And so

the marshal dislike begins