[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

can anyone frame?

i still dont get why you followed vulgard?

weā€™re dumb

this wouldā€¦ have to have been used on vul

well itā€™s kinda obvious.


you didnā€™t trust them?

no of course I didnā€™t trust him lol

this is a thing

Arete, read what I put.


or that

gr ggr g ogt oge uo

miller cop
bottom text


So, random proposition, we ritual Alice today.

why Alice

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Because she canā€™t heal me anymore.
And she can give a healing ability to someone.

ive already talked about who we should rit

and i donā€™t think alice is the best option

I think Alice is our best option tbh.

Either that or an Enchanter but idk if we have any lol

we have 2 claimed enchanters

wait who?

I have literally none.