[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Yes I can.

trust me

you donā€™t

just go to sleep my guy

help my cats using my hand as a pillow

no, I got RP to do.

Eat it

thatā€™s how hand warmers were in ancient times

I thought they used bear skin?

no they used cats to lay on their hands

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now im imagining like a 7 foot neandrethal petting a kitty


didnā€™t everyone hate cats but the egyptians?

everyone whoā€™s a dummy hates cats

I read that as everyone is a dummy that hates cats.

everyone who hates cats is a dummy

also i went like

a whole 1 day without SRing you wazza

thatā€™s a new record

looks at Vanilla Nightless FM
looks at BotF 4



were you scum or town in this one i barely read after i yeeted out

I donā€™t remember saying I Town Read you

Town lol

I just donā€™t scum read you

You switch your read on me every day.