[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

this means the convert is in the offensive pool, which is pretty likely anyway

but if we assume cleanse is activate, ritual a scumread, and it ISN’T active, it’s way worse than any other outcome really?

If Sorceror did occ they had to either target Alice or Marshal

Neither of which would have mattered


Therefore, they used cleanse

So what are you suggesting we do?

I mean it’s a hell of a gambit

But we ritual people we think are heretics/traitors

This is a weird angle, but we know Alice and Marshal are not groupscum

Wait a minute this bring up another possibility

I feel like i’ve just entered the matrix

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If Alice or Marshal is scum, then there is potential that Vulgard’s logs are fake. Because a Sorceror Could Just Occ one Healer, Seer could kill, and Shaman could do whatever they want

i feel like you’re on a completely different planet

and you’re either a genius or really wrong

and i don’t know which

im here doing algebra and you’re doing quantum physics

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I mean, I’m still ritting Alice.

So, if we can somehow confirm whether or not Vulgard’s logs are not real, then that would mean there is a lockscum within Alice/Marshal


@Arete u know vul better then most of us i think
does his lexicon seem unerring?

I am either overthinking the hell out of this or I have ascended

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i could do some logs analysis

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last time i saw vulgard die with logs he had reads in them

but that was fol24