[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

I don’t want you ritualed. You’re scum.

wazz can you point me to a gscum game of yours pls

which one I have had 4 of recent days.

any will do

i just wanna compare that to how i know you play as townie

https://forum.imperium42.com/t/fm-anime-fm-game-thread-non-anime-won-yay/81017/12275 - Replaced in.
https://forum.imperium42.com/t/vfm-vanilla-nightless-fm-ice-cream-flavor-day-6-the-mafia-win/80788/3604 - Powerwolfed at the end.
https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfm-rokugan-fm-game-thread-day-1-1-1-the-lying-darkness-wazzaazza-won/80957/4139 - Day 1 victory

oh god why would you link that game


also thank you lmfao

what game? I only see 2 games.

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i feel bad for my sister for replacing into a probable wolf slot

not wolf

just bad class

A reminder that you must submit your choices for ritual vote and ritual ability choices for yourself before the ritual phase ends or you will lose them. I am still missing many.


Yes, very bad. If the votes are split then it leaves a opening for them to ritual another heretic and thus get another convert. The numbers are currently 7 vs 4, but that can change in a instant if we get another convert and get a mislynch.

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Oh wait it’s not just during night?

no. any time until the ritual phase ends

we told you like 10 times you could change it :upside_down_face:


Tell me who you vote so I can make a chart

rn im selfvoting

i think if this is cleansed and i die that… well, i don’t know if i should say, since scum can still use bad omen on somebody

My vote is on Katze, but I do hope this won’t be another Kyo.

I don’t trust my reads entirely, but if we scatter votes they will ritual a heretic.

Katze is fake Enchanter obviously.