[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

quote it?

I;m tired

if one good thing came out of marshal dying

i don’t think anyone is gonna outpost me

2000 posts, jesus christ

I’m out for your head

wait no

its my head you can’t have it

im too tired to make legit reads rn so i might do the rest of my sulit iso tomorrow so they can be not half-assed

but part 1 is above

fuck getting tired at 10pm

Degenerates like you belong on a cross


This is a joke


i feel like there’s a few ways to take this and im gonna assume you mean one and not the other

It’s a reference to a video game

oh okay so not jesus

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if my ritual wasnt swapped

i coulda said that i was the second coming

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Katze ur last post is your last post cuz you hit 2020 posts

im refraining from making a joke


Perfecto I’m stuck in the 14th century

aight how to get kat to talk and ruin the number hmmmm

life is pain

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Anyways im gonna go sleep