[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

blocked Arete

Kyo claimed BM and nobody would ever kill Seth as heā€™s more of a burden alive then dead for the village.

So letā€™s start from the beginning.

We know that the wolves are either:

Kyo from Mid-D2->??? after Mid-D2
Marshal from Mid-D3->??? after Mid D3.


Kyo from Mid-D2-> Marshal after Mid-D2 to Mid-D3->??? after Mid D3.

Ideally Iā€™m thinking that the former situation is where the gamestate is as I donā€™t think Marshalā€™s RTs early D2 would have come from a V!Marshall

Hereā€™s basically the villagers.

  • Braixen - Guaranteed up until mid D3. Medium claim checks out and his aggression is something Iā€™ve never seen in his W game.
  • Drybones - Still V-ish. See what I wrote above. Him making a beeline to want to vote obvtown Icibalus never comes from him as a wolf.
  • Sulit - Still up in the air.
  • katze - Guaranteed up until mid D3. Like, asking to be peeked by Italy, and then Marshal swapping with him never makes sense from a wolf.
  • Arete - Guaranteed up until mid D2 as I was mindmelding a lot with him D2 and from Italyā€™s check as he cannot be W/W with Marhsal.
  • Alice - Iā€™m self-resolving.
  • Wazza - Most likely to be D2 convert from the shift in flow of his posts. See his interaction with Arete regarding me. Would be a priority lynch rn.
  • Icibalus - Guaranteed up until mid D3 as heā€™s been ridicolously villagery since then. Also never W/W with Kyo being that he was hard-pushed on him,
  • an_gorta_pratai - Guaranteed up until mid D2 Never W/W with Kyo. Was blatantly pocketed by him d1.
  • Chloe - Like, I shouldnā€™t even post why I think this slot is wolfy as Iā€™ve been trying to get them lynched the entire game.

So basically.

Pool for last starting wolf.


ā€¦basically the last remaining two that havenā€™t had any decent interactions with Kyo or Marshall, donā€™t have any mech info, and is basically up to themselves here. I still think Chloe is the go-to lynch for today.

Pool for Kyoā€™s convert.


ā€¦basically Iā€™m pretty sure that itā€™s Wazza over Arete/Gorta. Areteā€™s posts remained the same. Gorta has just been making mech fluff and heā€™s hard to read, but Wazza has been far more agenda-y today which makes me believe that heā€™s very likely a W by now.

Pool for Marshalā€™s convert.


ā€¦basically here it could be anyone outside of Dry who obvtown himselfs easily or I.

Pool for Traitor


Remove Braixen and Ici as I really donā€™t think theyā€™re ever the traitor here.

Quick summary of my thoughts. Iā€™ll now have to backread Marshal for more info, tbh.

1718 postsā€¦ fucking hell.

Hmmā€¦ Marshalā€™s comments towards Sulit feel a lot like coaching.

god my WiM at this precise moment is so low that Iā€™d actually rather be playing wolf right now.

Now that weā€™ve established that this is the darkest hour for the village, letā€™s begin.

hey so
this post is atrocious

Same, but Iā€™m more frustrated here, tbh.

Rather than actually talk about the actual Ritual everyone kept talking about whether or not the Heretics would use Cleanse without any evidence to back them up, even as we have no idea if thereā€™s a Sorcerer or not and they managed to win just by piling up on Marshal.

Like, this is even dumber than LotR as people here arenā€™t just trusting mechanics, theyā€™re just deciding on a hunch with zero evidence behind it and present as their mechanical evidence on why theyā€™re right.

What were the EoD1 wagons, again?

should have picked Mount Doom you cowards

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Hereā€™s the VC for EoD.

by the way I canā€™t be the only person to think itā€™s a silly idea to include guilted vigs in a game where one of the Location options is a place that makes vigs compulsive to seemingly no benefit to the village???

Guilted vigs donā€™t belong in FM. The only reason why theyā€™re there in ToL and ToS is to prevent serial gamethrowers.

How much has Marshall pushed on this, and was him the only player who did this?

Layers of yikes involved:

  • Near EoD shift over to a now-flipped villager.
  • The post is a response to Chloeā€™s weird impersonal and weirdly worded wallpost in a strange manner.
  • The post includes a potential cover to not only the speciifc situation but also to something that didnā€™t happen, and is incredibly vague.
  • Didnā€™t like the way the votes were moving yet at EoD they ended up voting with their second strongest wolfread???
  • seriously thatā€™s a seriously bad EoD and a worse justification of it

I could swear the wolves have a way to make one of their number peek as v?

This was a modpeek during the day.

And quite frankly I donā€™t remember much of Marshal, so donā€™t ask me. Iā€™ll take a look, though.

So we were talking about calling for the Ritual ofā€¦ Who, exactly?