[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Arete/Disquieted hydra chat: ‘Marshal is definitely lying about his slank vig’

Arete/Disquieted hydra chat: ‘but please still get to 10 posts just in case he isn’t’

Best idea for an FM

All Cops

Each one has a different sanity

me and FK also did this

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truly an emotional journey

Even the mafia are cops

I didn’t want to really convert that slot to a win

but at that point all i cared about was chloe cuz she was in the slot and i thought she was a good convert

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i think right now i have enough data and evidence for me to conclude something
my reads are exactly rand
sometimes they are extremely good
sometimes they are terrible
they are more frequently bad than good which makes sense (more town than mafia which means more room for error)
basically no matter how i try to obtain my reads it doesn’t matter
they just end up being randomly accurate and i have no reliable way to tell when i’m spot on and when i’m not

kyo tried to host this once

not a pity party btw just an observation


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im not counting this game

Time for the bumbling cop

they’re accurate when you’re townreading me



katze and chloe scumchat was fun

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but at least you got me :sunglasses:

i still wolfread you initially

that’s a fair analysis
you have a lot of standard deviation, so it would probably be fair to reeval when time is right

then i got around to an arete v read in a way that would only ever work for me specifically

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