[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Alice your posts feel really bland

I don’t know how to explain this properly but

“very AI”

bitch i said i didn’t like you and u are like “marshal locktown”


u compliment my wolf game(or at least i think u do) but clear me off of 1 post

y’all can we lynch arete 30 mins in plz

I appear to not be lynched when I play as I usually do, people claim I’m TWTBAW
So I’m just gonna revert back to how I play instead of actually trying to help :smiley:

I don’t want to lynch Arete

Okay guys I’ll stop being stupid I’m here now


I’m trying to understand what the hell’s going on Kyo’s mind rn.

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Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Arete Marshal, DryBones, katze, Napoleon 4/9
sulit KyoDaz 1/9
KyoDaz Arete 1/9
katze sulit 1/9

/Vote Nappy


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i don’t know if katze fake locktowned me for a meme or not
but if he didn’t, i want to know why he did it

Marshal are you actually reading the game

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I agree with things they say

get 2 more votes on this promply please


italy the readlist was random number generated you nerd

im using hyperbole but still take sucks you suck you are bad and should feel bad GG

Marshal and Katze are both probabaly town here

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