[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Appelsiini was executed by the court on the charge of High Treason!

She was . . .

The Diviner

Congregation Investigative
Undercover (Passive) - You appear as a Seer to all investigative abilities. You will appear to visit whoever the heretics attack each night to the oracleā€™s ā€œClairvoyanceā€ (wonā€™t affect other tracking abilities).
Ritual of Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the day.
Ritual of Truth (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, select a player. The court will be told if said player is a member of the Heretics (Traitors will always appear ā€œnot suspiciousā€).
Divination (Night) - Check if a player is part of the Heretics. Traitors appear not suspicious. Unlimited uses
Change of Faith (Night) - Select up to three players and check if at least one of them is a Heretic. If a Heretic or Traitor isnā€™t lynched tomorrow you will commit suicide. - 1 use.

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.

Appelsiini left no discernable logs for the court.

Night 1 has just begun and will last 24 hours, ending at 2020-04-14T02:16:00Z.

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My last VC probably had errors. @astand will check and post an updated one if needed. We definitely flipped correctly, though.

EoD1 Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Appelsiini Arete, Braixen, Alice, katze, Apprentice, Marshal 6/9
Jgoesgaming sulit, Wiisp, Napoleon 3/9
SirDerpsAlot DryBones, KyoDaz 2/9
sulit Wazza 1/9
Wiisp SirDerpsAlot 1/9

Apologies for my lack of skill at keeping VCā€™s updated, and thank you, astand.

There is one more extremely important mod announcement: When the time runs out in the ritual phase, we will process the flip IMMEDIATELY and then head directly to the lynch phase.

This means you will have no time to submit choices for ritual abilities after you are already sacrificed, so I recommend that EVERYONE post and update their selections for ritual abilities in advance in their classcards, in case you get sacrificed later. You may pre-queue your choices for ritual abilities and alter them at any time, but they always must be submitted in advance, in your classcard, and if you get sacrificed before having ever pre-queued choices for your ritual abilities in your classcard, your ritual abilities will all then be null and void.

That is all, carry on.

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As a clarification, if you die via ritualistic sacrifice, all of your ritual abilities then get activated. You never have to pick and choose between them. However, as I said, please pre-queue your choices for all ritual abilities which request selections in advance. If you donā€™t and you then die via ritual, such abilities will be denied. This is your one and only warning.

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Give 2 Votes to Kyo

2 warnings:

Please do not post in thread during the night.

Please do not delete posts.

Also, from now on I will just ban from playing FM everyone who posts at night at purpose, to influence game. This is unacceptable.


Will process actions and send feedback.


No one has died.

Day 2 begins. Ritual phase starts and will last 24 hours.

Vote for a sacrifice in your class cards, not in thread (and donā€™t forget to set your ritual actions beforehand).


alright then


whoever redirected me last night better step the fuck up

very very interesting indeed

This is good this means that someone who is healed is probably confirmed town

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i did something ultra important last night

Or they could have been an occupation

actually this is bad
because traitor is immune to heretics
heretics couldā€™ve just found their lost wolf

Ahem. I may or may not have affected the no night kill thing.