[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Okay so I dun goofed

the thing is

even if we can say with decent confidence that alice might be the swapped one

we truly canā€™t know for sure so fully clearing any of the 3 is a potential mistake

unless one flips scum, then the other 2 are probably clear unless italy hit a swap AND was redirected

Yeah. Letā€™s still ritual Italy

this also exists too

5000 posts on day 2
posting has increased like crazy in games lately
and this is one of the smaller games


the fuck else am i or anyone else gonna do? go outside?

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just kick the coronavirusā€™ ass
teach it that you donā€™t mess with texas

just throw the virus back

/dayvig coronovirus

boom bye scum

i forgot if this was the most recent iteration of it but it was the last one i found and i donā€™t wanna lose it so

posting this again

Official Unofficial Italy Peek Voting List Thingy Trademark
Person Who they want checked
katze katze
Arete Derps
Marshal Derps
Napoleon sulit
sulit sulit
Braixen Derps and sulit
Italy Literally anyone so you get no votes cause im not writing 1 for everything
Wazza DryBones, Apprentice, and katze
Derps Wiisp
Alice katze
DryBones Derps

The bottom list might be a bit inaccurate but the top one shouldnā€™t be

Votee Total Votes
Derps 4
katze 3
sulit 3
Arete 1
DryBones 1
Apprentice 1
Wiisp 1

Coronavirus wasā€¦


a virus i guess

A replacement is needed. The first player to send a DM conversation including me and @astand with this post as the OP of such a conversation, gets it.

@Amelia @Vulgard @Hippolytus @Icibalus

as usual, donā€™t discuss replacements such as to abide by the forum rules, ty

/replace in

so are we happy with a derps peek?

cause i ainā€™t complaining bout it

one day im gonna do this and the host will add me to that personā€™s classcard

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im fine with it

and then you get banned :^)

wait if vulgard replaced in would we still be sacrificing people to vulGOD

well no

we would need a minor deity to step up