[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Channel spirity kinda sucks tbh


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They were occed/Redirected

I donā€™t have time for this right now, need to head back to work

Work is kinda dead, so Iā€™ll be on and off


Wait a minute Apprentice was occed how tf did he drink

Iā€™m not sure if occupy immune people show as immune

Ok Apprentice is Sorceror then

if apprentice is a real blood mage then im totally fine lynching in the PoE he creates

because i know i wonā€™t be the one to die

He was occed and he drank

itā€™s a day abil

I thought this was obvious Apprentice is evil

one would assume that ā€œoccupationā€ is a negative effect

Itā€™s not a day ability

ive had marshal pegged as LW since towards the end of D1 so it makes a lot of fucking sense that his blood isnt pure

or, apprentice is just not real

which is possible

drinking = day abil

using the blood = night abil

and yes i think occupation is a negative effect

is it not

the very first bonus drinking gives is negative effect immunity

yes it is


Marshal youā€™re talking about Drain