just gain tons of influence with political power
then stage a coup
then puppet them
then annex them
i tried my hardest to ignore that completely
i probably didn’t succeed though
i mean prior to that game i still had quite a bit of respect for your wolfgame
but i mean, that game proooobably influenced me even if i didn’t try to let it do so
completely warless annexation method that is dumb and abusable
Are you Otto Van Bismarck?
Ottomans is a terrible nation.
No map is a great map with your nation on it.
the more i think about it the more paranoid im getting
solution: stop thinking
What’d I miss
I’m also getting paranoid
but like
isn’t the deadline basically now
I mean the worst thing that happens is we lost a lot of our mechanical actions
and they remove two from the PoE
we can come back from this
i think the deadline is very soon yes
but there might be enough in thread?
Paranoia is hitting us all right now.
Can I policy occ arete for the rest of the game
about 15 minutes?
i have a timer set
I forgot about ritual who are we ritualing lol
I need to vote lol