like I already said, that’s what I’m TRYING TO FIGURE OUT
the point of this is to log CLAIMED votes to find inconsistencies
like I already said, that’s what I’m TRYING TO FIGURE OUT
the point of this is to log CLAIMED votes to find inconsistencies
[quote=“Arete, post:6447, topic:81237, full:true”]
Voted Kyo - Arete, katze, Wazza, Derps, probably Kyo
Voted Italy - Italy, DryBones, Braixen
Voted DryBones - an_gorta (Nappy)
I’m lost wolf I don’t care anymore just lynch me
god i want to beleive scum isn’t this much of a dick
but i’ve specifically miscleared wazza off of this before
i can’t be lamb
and no traitor wouldn’t pick lamb
do you think gorta voting someone who wasn’t even a wagon is possibly a heretic hiding a vote
clappus openwolfus
I don’t like this game and I’m busy so kill me thanks
I’m lost wolf I don’t care anymore just lynch me
is this an actual claim
If you aren’t interested in the game. Don’t play.
could be
his whole idea of “sacrifice scum it’s like a second lynch” is pretty scummy
I’m lost wolf I don’t care anymore just lynch me
Oh lol
I still think App is a heretic. The only other thing could be that sullit can actually heal someone.
That was simple.
jfc derps while im obv ecstatic that we have a openwolf i’d expect more from you tbh
we are NOT quicklynching
obviously we kill the claimed scum but he probably wants to be quickhammered, else he wouldn’t be doing this
This is far too many people that switched. Someone isn’t claiming their honest vote.
no you haven’t.
The only games I’ve done this in is a game you hosted.