[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Inb4 marshal is minister fpsing that he is fpsing about being minister so he can get ritualed

If I was a convert I wouldn’t be the first choice.


/Vote Marshal

Obvious convert it obvious

that whole thing abt me not having said a message was BS

if i really was i’d send a message

Wow I’m really glad we decided to CFD off a pretty consensus townread to one of 4 blood mage claims. What a great decision.

Bad reaction

Yeah Wiisp is

who in the living fuck

converts someone who claims a self-resolving ability, only to take it from them



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Also stop it with the WIFOM on finding the convert. We should be going after the other two. We literally have a PoE of myself/Braix/Marshal/katze


dude stop fucking bussing me

I feel like a good few people here would for memes

I think Italy might be a decent convert because they do their factional kill and then get sacrificed tomorrow for the “modcheck”.

okay yes

but the whole

“if we dont lynch scum italy fucking dies” thing is, well, a thing

and i think derps has higher scum equity than that PoE

The problem with that is they used that ability that makes them suicide today unless we killed a heretic, or so they claim

/Vote Katze

a few people might say they would

but lets be honest

the only one who would ever actually pull the trigger to conv a minister claim

So an italy conversion is kind of echfor that reason

/vote katze

fucking end me :frowning:


Tinfoil Katze is scum who actually fucking converted marshal