[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

we were doing so well too
you can’t just let the redchecks clog the discussion or we’ll never get anywhere

sorry papa

won’t happen again

Me Rn: https://youtu.be/9Df7fObNOeo

P much. It also explains why Derps was being pushed on by Kyo.

Derps claimed LW.

Kyo wouldn’t have known that Derps is a LW here.


The safe lynch for today is Derps as otherwise Italy may end up dying.

wait hold on

nvm traitor counts for this

we good

oh also a good point

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Who do you suggest in lynching?

I honestly doubt Katze is a Heretic now after he insisted on Italy checking him and his interactions with Kyo.

@Italy who do you want lynched

this is important

what if we lynch italy

he can’t suicide if we kill him

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Thing is, if he survives and no wolves are lynched, then we lynch him. Italy is extremely unlikely to be a convert here unless the wolves are planning a bus.

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italy: Im gonna kill myself

Katze: Not if i do it first

shoots italy

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if italy is the convert the wolves are really not smart imo


rn italy is town, wolf who is resigned to being outted, or wolf hardbussing(or hoping for a traitor pop)

italy: if we don’t find scum today i’m going to self unlife
scum: this is clearly the best convert


Hell, Italy’s probably the only one I can guarantee will be 100% town here since we already have the traitor outed and Derps outed after the convert was chosen.

which is why i asked the question

cuz his motivation is important