[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Not the entire team, but close enough.

I don’t think You/Derps/Napoleon have much starting W/W equity with Kyo.

I’m still confident of my Arete/Wazza/Italy/DryBones townreads, so to hunt the last two wolves are pretty much guaranteed to be in Sulit/Jgoes/Amelia/Marshall/Apprentice/Braixen.

T>S: Sulit>Amelia>Marshal>Braixen>Jgoes>Apprentice

I’m still keeping a normal readlist with no-associations for the traitor if they’re still alive after we finish the main two heretics, but yeah.

I don’t think Kyo’s the kind of person who backreads himself and then converts based on the player he clears. Tbh I just think that he converted one of the lower profile townread players.

i think im still keeping my vote on derps but

if it comes to an apprentice lynch im pretty content with that too

why would wolf!Kyo try to keep Italy from peeking Derps though?

I think that his plan was more of a general denial of a peek than keeping Derps safe.

i don’t think kyo cared at all when the peek candidate was me, or sulit, or arete

but when we decide to peek derps

kyo shows up

this is possible but i think the fact that it all happened in the last ~hour makes me lean more towards it being to protect derps than to stop a peek at all?

I cry

what is occams razor

i feel like this is one of those times someone would apply it but i don’t know or understand it

Kyo might have been pocketing my slot, but Nappy was playing scummy as hell.

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“the simpler answer is usually the correct one”

okay so which is simpler

kyo wanted to deny italy a peek

or kyo wanted to deny a redcheck on derps

i guess this is objectively a more simple statement


but this goes against what i think aa

there’s also “Kyo wanted to get ritualed so that he could convert”

this is true

there’s the chance where the peek didn’t matter at all and kyo just wanted to get himself out of the 4 person PoE he was in, while converting someone


I think he would go for one of those checked by Italy or someone in a place of leadership, but then again I don’t know Kyo well enough.

if i believe the world where kyo deliberately denied the peek on derps

that’d kind of spew sulit, myself, and arete as non-starting heretics, since we were the main three considerations for the peek prior to derps

if i believe it was just to deny the peek then it doesn’t really clear anyone

if i believe it was to clear the BM PoE then it kind of clears apprentice/arete/seth

2/3 of these possibilities spew arete as town

god dammit

i cant catch a break with you arete

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arete can you do something you’d only do as the alignment you currently are

i need to stop thinking about your slot

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@arete liking that post isn’t alignment indicative aaaaa

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I think out of Derps and Apprentice the best lynch would be Apprentice. My gut says Apprentice is likely a heretic (I could be wrong), but I think Derp is a lone wolf. If we don’t sacrifice Derp (why would you) then he is the lesser threat. If you take a heretic out of the mix you have less chances of having another convert.

Am I crazy here?

I would be fine with lynching either though.

*possible lone wolf (I don’t want to edit my posts too much)