[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Like was there and it kinda seems like h was trying to justify it but he never outright says his position

Thinking everyone that publicly claimed to vote Kyo may be V/Traitor here.

For him to be sacrificed over Italy he probably had the other two Heretic votes plus everyone who claim to have voted for him. So odds are that the two other Heretics are likely lying about voting for Italy.

This feels like soft defending

The first quote

Especially if App flips town

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I disagree

How many people claimed they voted for Italy?

How many people claimed they voted for Kyo?

Who did you two vote for

3 or 4 claimed Kyo

Idk if thatā€™s a claim from katze

Only Braixen claimed to vote Italy from what I remember

I voted kyo

If Kyo has any scummates on EOD I feel like they would push the Kyo CFD rather than claim to have voted Italy

I voted Italy

because I had doubts about the Kyo CFD but I didnā€™t say anything because Iā€™m fucking dumb

I forgot to vote as I didnā€™t have much time today.

Arete/Katze/Derps/Kyo claimed to vote for Kyo.

Braixen/Marshall/Italy claimed to vote for Italy.


Who did you all vote for today?

Arete was keeping track

Iā€™m on my phone so Iā€™m not gonna bother ISOing and quoting it but iirc it was like 5-3 in kyos favor?

Oh I guess you found it

You forgot to vote? :eyes:

I think marshal claimed to switch to Kyo last second because Kyo said heā€™d give him a double vote

That sounds right
I think he confirmed it earlier

Sacrifice Voters Votes
Italy Braixen, Marshall, Italy, Sulit 4
KyoDaz Arete, Katze, Derps, Kyo 4
None Alice 1
??? Jgoes, Wazza, Amelia, Apprentice, Drybones, An_Gorta_Pratai 6

So far hereā€™s what I have.

Thereā€™s another mechanic tidbit I want to out that could help us here, but I want to wait until the other 6 claim their votes.

Wazza definitely implied they were on Kyo

And I think someone said they were on areteā€¦ Seth maybe?

I was only in the thread for a short amount of time and I didnā€™t expect youā€™d all would vote someone stuck in a thunderdome for the sacrifice, so I didnā€™t think the vote would be that important.


Did you vote for Kyo or Italy?

Iā€™m going back to sleep
