[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

You said you were congregation, why’d you say that?
Arete: I was telling the truth.
Lie detector says you were lying.

you’re not the lying darkness anymore stop it


You approved of the entire thing.
You pushed on Appel
You pushed on Kyo’s Ritual.

I was there.

shadow corruption will loom over you forever

the thing is

this is factually inaccurate


I spent most of the discussion of the CFD period being like ‘…but what if we CFD someone who isn’t Kyo’

A replacement is needed!

The first player to create a DM conversation with this post as the OP of such a conversation, including both @astand and me in the message, gets it.

@Zone_Q11 @Vulgard @Hippolytus @Icibalus @PoisonedSquid @Mistyx @Redrover1760 @clonedcheese @DatBird and others

as usual, don’t discuss replacements, yadda yadda.

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lets be honest

you only spent 1 post doing that

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Not Occupy Immune

“like logically it wouldn’t make sense for it to be stopped by an occupy”

Wait Wtf Katze are you Blood Mage?

and while wazz is wrong that you were one of the main pushers on kyo’s rit

to say that you were mostly focused on CFDing to someone not-kyo is also wrong

i already said im not claiming

you can put the pieces together yourself, the puzzle isn’t complex

but if i don’t claim i get to prove marshal wrong and this means a lot to me

wait what are you going to prove me wrong about

you said everybody was gonna claim by D3

so im claiming D4

can it be Vulgard, Vulgard is good at reading me

and good at being towny

But if Vulgard joins he might tunnel me because BotF IV

god if vul joins there’s a like 79% chance i just tunnel him to death
and i love playing with him

but god damn do i always fucking wolfread him


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Katze has to be blood mage

Also I just realized you now have a wolf game of mine you can analyze