[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Why is there only three versions of scum
What diversity this setup has. I’m sueing

there’s also the lost wolves


ok wait it is a townslip but wait is it

so technically six versions

honestly my top priority is not accidentally letting scum convert by ritualling them

anything about ritual abilities is secondary

is it inheretly 1 of each heretic?

Well yes but I mean the only variable of scum is the traitor
That kind of sucks but it means we can plan ahead I suppose

I want to not accept it on principle, but I think Kyo has no idea how this setup works.



I thought this meant that all of them were unique, not that there was only three
but okay

IIRC it’s one of each at the start but if anyone gets converted the balance can change

itd sure be a shame if you sacrificed me tomorrow then :weary:

guys i think there might not be 1 of each heretic what if there’s actually two of one heretic

Are you looking for a good target to occupy?
Choose me!

ok yeah sure

not 100% sold on it being a townslip but i’ll sprinkle some cred on him for now

I still don’t believe we should wait around for cleanse
That’s just going to mean they’ll never use it lol and then we’ll be stuck never ritualing the people we want to ritual but hesitating because cleanse exists

kyo is now indisputably locktown

because if a super good ability gets cleansed then we’re kinda fucked