[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

i don’t think that word means what you think it means

Either that or Elementalist.

I can see them being traitor.

If we take everything at face value then there are 3 enchanters, 3 Diviners, 3 Blood Mages, 3 Conjurers

I’m Locktown

should i point out my softs towards my true class that i left on D1

or should i keep this up because its kinda funy

Katze is evil af


can you clear up this confusion for us fucking please

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but that means i have to claim

and that means you were right

about waht

everybody massclaims by D3

i have yet to claim

Katze claim or die

im looking through my 1200 post ISO to find my fucking softs relax


Alice - Seer
Sulit - Shaman
Kyodaz - Sorcerer - D3AD
Arete - Any - Convert

Amelia - Elementalist

Just saying, if we got an Ritualist, we are fucked. Shaman empower kills tonight and Ritualist smak someone randomly.

i feel like braix has the godread on my claim but like nobody else should have an idea

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how can we be in late day 2 and have exactly 0 clear people

lolconvert and lolnotritualingitaly

Except that is physically impossible

Because we ritualized a converter

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