[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Guys stop fucking calling Arete the convert

No you didnā€™t.

You have not once made a post with evidence, even bad evidence, for my PoV changing. This is easily verifiable by reading your Iso starting from the Kyo ritual.

so much switching
do i have to get the pinball sound effects

Me: is literally pushing on Arete.
An_gorta: You are the reason for Arete living.

What the fuck are you on?

I said ā€œcouldā€ be the convert. Could you please pay more attention?

What the actual fuck are you on? I literally quoted the bottom of the post not so long ago AND YOU RESPONDED TO THAT.

Jesus fuck Iā€™m out of here, I canā€™t be fucking bothered with you Arete, even if you are scum youā€™re just pissing me off.

If you wonā€™t quote your evidence then you are letting Arete live. I donā€™t recall you posting evidence either.

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I will vote Arete if you have decent evidence to prove him scum.

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itā€™s what i said earlier wazz

your take and voice is important

but evidence is needed

The thing with the Kyo spew is that I town read Kyo as town as well. In fact, most of us found Kyo to be towny.

Up until just now you were saying you were certain I was scum.

donā€™t yell at him for being reasonable heā€™s just gonna stop if you do

I didnā€™t vote to ritual Kyo, but I might have been convinced to if I was on later and not watching drive.

Here is all n1 actions taken at base form
Wazza - Apprentice Oracle
Marshal - Dry Classified
SirDerpsAlot - An_Gorta Conjurer
Alice - Italy to ? Enchanter
an_gorta_pratai - Vulgard to SDA Enchanter
katze - Marshal Witch Doctor
Arete - Nothing Blood Mage
Italy - Arete, Marshal, Alice [Redirected] Diviner
Braixen - CLASSIFIED Classified
Drybones - Nothing Blood Mage
Sulit - Vulgard Conjurer
Vulgard [occupied] Diviner
KyoDaz - Not of Imporantance Sorceror
Apprentice - Drink Blood Mage [Visited No one]
Amelia - Apprentice Conjurer

Also claims. Not giving marshalā€™s claim cuz fuck you

Scum would want to piss me off.
I said if you are scum youā€™re just pissing me off anyway.

Fuck off, you know what I meant, youā€™re just trying to agitate me more.

gonn say rn

didnā€™t visit dry

but i think you are right on my class

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I was gonna say if Marshal claims to visit Dry he was probably fake.

I would vote with you if you can prove your point.

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Alice is Shaman
Vulgard is Seer
Wiisp/Emilia is Now Sorceror

Katze/Apprentice is traitor

Fuck off, I donā€™t care about this game anymore. Town have fucking lost.

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