[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Congrats to N.1 for being the best Host on the Forums!

Beep Boop I am A robot

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okay this is too far

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I thought someone actually used discobot in thread lmao

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Inb4 I forget to change my pfp back

i wont forget cause i hate this

@astand @N.1

can we get a VC?

Oh look I actually remembered to change it back

Katze is only fine if you have an anime pfp but you also post cat pics

Donā€™t get pissed at me. How many games have I played here? Honestly though, I understand your rage.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Arete Vulgard, Wazza 2/8
Apprentice Amelia, Alice 2/8
SirDerpsAlot DryBones, Braixen 2/8
Amelia katze, Arete 2/8
katze SirDerpsAlot 1/8
Wazza sulit 1/8

About 22 hours remain

donā€™t tell him

A replacement is needed!

The first player to create a DM conversation with this post as the OP of such a conversation, including both @N.1 and me in the message, gets it.

@Zone_Q11 @Hippolytus @Icibalus @PoisonedSquid @Mistyx @Redrover1760 @clonedcheese @DatBird and others

Put my vote on Amelia /vote Amelia @astand It might change later.

we should probably make these 4 wagons less than 4

while iā€™m okay with all 4; having them be at 2/8 is a bit little :eyes:

Should I save my vote for later?

i donā€™t see any harm putting amelia on 3/8

and thereā€™s still 20 hours so thereā€™s no real sense of urgency anyway
