[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

/vote Arete i don’t like the wagon being frozen so hard

good morning

oh thats l-1

oh now its l-2


idc if u think amelia would’ve selfhammered as a wolf that doesn’t influence my vote switch whatsoever

when’s the eod?

eightish hours

fuck i’m gonna be offline for eod


only rlly did this for shenanigans

still idk where to vote

don’t let the wagons be frozen that’s quite dumb really
idk if i feel comfortable voteparking on amelia when the wagon is so frozen and the thread is dead
might revote there but i don’t think wolves wanna bus at this stage of the game, they wanna keep their numbers really

I’m going to be honest

Something about your “shenanigans” felt Kind Of Off

which means that there should be fighting at eod if a wolf is being voted and not just complete passive acceptance

i know it’s not eod but i’m saying this now bc i won’t be able to say it at eod and i can envision myself getting nightkilled if they can’t occupy my peek


some of my non-TRs are here

but amelia flips scum most of the time in my eyes?


i got the same vibes too

i felt kinda weird
but I still stand by that that play is a good play in general

okay but the thing that felt off was like a third from your end

so why did it feel off to you

“haha lets put them at L-1 :joy_cat:

maybe because i wanted to do “ohwo if this gets to l-1 i quickhammer shenanigans” but switched shenanigans so i wasn’t really in a good mindset

maybe it’s because i don’t think amelia is scum

so who is

im willing to consider a CFD but arete is gonna follow what we do and i still can’t confidently TR that slot

2/4 people in my poe who aren’t amelia were early voters on the amelia wagon and it feels really off to me

i mean
maybe my reads are just fucking wrong
wouldn’t be much of a surprise at this point


i’ll figure that out later
like in 4 hours or so