[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Sulit claimed it

yes but what im saying is

if theyre in scumchat together

kyo can occ someone and claim a class that does no real night actions (blood mage) and then

just tell sulit to claim the occ

Kyo doesnā€™t like brining attention to his wolfmates

think about ToL

youā€™re my starting invoker and im the CL, i claim butler and you claim something easy

i claim your occs

are you saying this because you know it to be fact, or because other people have said it


I spent most of yesterday hardpushing Apprentice

I spent a decent part of the ritual phase being like ā€˜App is almost definitely a wolfā€™ to the point that I voted my direct CC to him because I trusted him so little

since Kyo was ritualed Iā€™ve been a lot more pro-Apprentice and honestly I donā€™t actually think Iā€™ve explained my thoughts there super well

no one, including the people saying Iā€™m converted, has pointed this out

I feel like this means something for his alignment but I donā€™t know what

I know this for a quasifact. I havenā€™t played a game with Kyo in years

regardless, people can change

playing directly in your meta and exclusively as such makes you predictable

im not saying that this is factually what happened, but i think failing to consider this option is unwise

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i still moderately townread sulit for what itā€™s worth, even if the case on them is compelling

and i donā€™t think anyones actually asked me why i TR sulit

arete is it possible i misread you and you initially misread me because neither of us is playing like they should be as villa due to exhaustion and not anything alignment-related
because thatā€™s how i feel rn

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Amelia Arete, an_gorta_pratai, Wazza, DryBones 4/8
Apprentice Amelia, Alice 2/8
Icibalus Braixen 1/8
katze Icibalus 1/8
Wazza sulit 1/8
sulit Vulgard 1/8

5 hours remain

how many hours of sleep have you been getting this week
this is actually relevant to my read on you i promise

um so hi

I am now extrememly behind on the thread to the point where I have too much to read in a reasonable amount of time so now Iā€™m unmotivated to do anything

but whatā€™s the VC

scroll up 2 posts

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you think they might not care about his slot and what you think about it?
that would indicate either
wolves who arenā€™t doing anything
or apprentice is just an insignificant villager in their eyes
i canā€™t think of anything that makes this particularly ai either way


itā€™s been varying a lot by day

last night I went to bed a little after 6, woke up a little after 9, did a Bio ā€œlab,ā€ then slept from 10:45 ish to 12:45 ish

Iā€™ve hit 8 hours at least a couple times but I really havenā€™t been making it consistently

inb4 this isnt relevant to the read and vulgard just yells at arete to have a better sleep schedule

if I had to guess Iā€™d guess that it averaged out to a little more than 6 hours a night?

no not really
i just think i may have figured out what the problem with my read and tunnel was