[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Get prepared

for a bookpost

I acknowledge that my reads can be wrong and are usually crap. I hate this feeling of pressure because a mislynch will make it very hard to win.


wait no

im scared

Sorry everyone, I had a test yesterday and have been on Zoom calls all day today so far. I donā€™t have time to catch up on everything in the last 2k messages, but I have like 40 min free or so to respond to/read anything that anyone wants me to

Amelia got a lot less solvey (/a lot less post-y) after she made this post and got called out for it

kinda think that V!Amelia doesnā€™t completely crumple under pressure, like, IIRC in Evo she kept trying to solve even after people started pushing her

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my previous poe before i started screaming into the void was arete marshal angorta amelia apprentice

could be misremembering how she played in Evo because the push on her sucked and I knew her alignment there



did you ever explain why you didnā€™t CC the other Blood Mages?

did you ever explain why you went with the specific three people you did?

I have to read a book

I went for those people because I wanted to check one Blood Mage claim (Marshal at the time obviously he changed it) and two people that I read in the null-slight townlean area. I felt like it gave us the most info on a positive or negative as opposed to one or the other. I didnā€™t counterclaim because I felt like I was by far the most suspicious of the four claims so if lobby lynched in the Blood Mage claims it was probably going to be me. And if none of us got lynched I felt claiming today was better since that means scum might have visited me to tailor me/dark portal me last night when I attempted to kill all visitors.

iā€™m going to sleep

/vote Amelia

pls flip wolf

are you going to sleep at a normal time

thatā€™s not allowed here

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I honestly think Ameliaā€™s flip might solve some things.

Not claiming didnā€™t clear you either. Since you didnā€™t cc you are now in this boat.

??? You act like me claiming wouldā€™ve changed something. There would still be 4 blood mage claims. This way people visited me which gave me a chance to prove myself if I Drained Blood on 3 town

I would have claimed bm if I was a real blood mage and there were 3 other claims. It would have been easier to work out the fakes.

The only reason I wouldnā€™t would be if I was covering for someone.

i get this thought process i just donā€™t think it was a great line of thought?

I guess I just donā€™t see any benefit to me claiming yesterday as opposed to today

I need to go cook and wonā€™t be back before the end of the day, so I will see yā€™all later. I just hope this is a good lynch.