[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

this wagon composition is decent

I don’t think any of these slots were scum yesterday

Arete i don’t think is ever starting heretic
same with dry
and braix

vul is never converted here at least cuz iirc he replaced in post-rit and nobody would conv jgoes if his slot is town. I really want to try to iso him but i just don’t feel up to it.

Gorta idk i kinda should ISO that slot too

even the first two people?

the first one is me

the second one I’m leaning towards being spewed clear from Kyo interactions

darn i thought i had you with that one

for the game being an hour and 20 minutes from EOD it is awfully quiet

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im gonna maspingus anyone not me arete or kat

whats the saying again

dead thread, dead villager?

it’s dead air, dead villager, abbreviated as DADV, which is dumb, because urban dictionary says something else and that’s what i looked at first

there’s a part of my brain that’s like ‘DADV’

but then there’s another part that’s like ‘but Amelia’s a wolf though’

GTH do you think amelia is the most likely to flip scum?

cause… i think so?


i have to leave someone out and vul is sleeping so no pingus vul

day ends in like 80 minutes, it’s kinda like, y’know, an important lynch

so if i were you i’d get on

i… don’t

ngl i keep forgetting who amelia repalced in for but like wiisp was def town d1 IMO

but yesterday I was like ‘Appel/Apprentice contains 1-2 wolves’ and Appel was village and I’m leaning V on Apprentice too for some reason

amelia replaced wiisp

would you say you had a change of heart?

their whole “i hate this game and site meta and also im this class but uh i don’t know what it does” thing felt genuine

I re-evaluated yeah

your phrasing feels weird

wait i just realized the tinfoil i was gonna call you out on is literally impossible