[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

@NAOtheRitualist can confirm.

don’t hate me pls

im not as serious

but that doesn’t mean im not serious

where is my remoooooooooooooottttttttteeeeee

also im watching brooklyn 99

which might

have something to do with it

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hah lol

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fuck I can’t figure it out.

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trust me arete i get ur vibes

i just don’t really like posting here and being serious would probably not make me feel great

so im trying to get my poing across in a light manner

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if it’s 20 minutes left and thigns are still how they are i’ll prolly shut down the b99 and start going all “massping cfd stop stop stop”

but rn im just doing my thing and so yeah


Guys sorry let me go to my scum chat


/vote Braixen

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So guys I think I’ve figured the game out

Wazza is the Traitor
Marshal is the Minister

GG ez

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didnt marshal retract the minister claim

oh my god my cat just scared the shit out of me

I was looking around for my remote and I was looking under my bed

so I pull out the drawer thing and i just here this giant loud MEOW and then I bang my head on the top of the bed and she comes running out like a maniac

this was completely unrelated and unneeded but I feel the need to share

wrong way round I’m minister

No Im traitor

Wait shit

sorry won’t happ–


I am actually the real minister
