[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

day off*

welcome to FoL
where we always manage to hit 1000 posts by day 1 and make it impossible to read up without spending 30 minutes doing nothing but reading

There are 1021 replies with an estimated read time of 69 minutes.


more seriously

as the person making up about a sixth of the thread I have no standing

but at some point I start to question whether we really want to hyperpost quite this much


no one really re-reads the thread, you canā€™t really re-read the thread

and when weā€™re surpassing 10,000 posts by EoD2 I start to question whether thatā€™s really what we want


Explain Wazza.


its compulsive for me, please help

1 Like

Town Reads





Town Leans



Scum Reads


Ah it appears I made a mistake in my reads.
Itā€™s scum read not scum Reads as Arete is the only Obv Scum here.

Anyone can bring something up about a previous game. Scum or Not.
I know a game where a Scum talked about a Dead Scum saying that the Dead Scum is Meta known to Buss.
And the person who said that was none other then their buddy.

Iā€™m not sure if Arete would intentionally attempt to add a scum buddy to his town reads like that or not.
I think Wazza is worth having a look into.

ā€¦the villagery thing he did wasnā€™t bringing up a previous game, that wasnā€™t even him who did it, the villagery thing was his mindset in response to someone else bringing up a previous game

So because he mentioned something about the game it makes him in your town reads?


how do you even get that from my post???

Show me his post


go to sleep @Arete