[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

wazza did you use a random number generator by chance

why do you trust Apprentice

also if you trust apprentice but donā€™t trust their judgement then theyā€™re objectively a good ritual because we can just tell them who to kill?

no I didnā€™t.

I forgot Wiisp was real, shit ignore that fucking part.


no no no

this is how town lost poisonous

i didnt read poisonous

if a BM is ritualed

we have to trust them and only them
letting it be a public discussion is how scum control it and win

but scum did make italy shoot eevee in EVO soooo

eh, i guess i see the point

basically i told the town PRā€™s what to do for the whole game because i was in towncore

and so they never hit a scum

see thatā€™s a problem with an Arete ritual because I donā€™t trust my reads

okay so the only blood mage i trust with that responsibility is

the nerd

and they donā€™t trust themselves

stop quickediting

i am not memeing

it is not allowed in this game

well actually cop did hit a scum

but i told cop to do that

ā€¦do you want me to upload the last 2 minutes

i didnt fucking quickedit that

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actually no im tired of this

give me a few minutes to upload this shit to youtube

i was notifā€™d as such. maybe there is some major glitch idk

See the problem with your lynch is the fact that I want you killed.

Youā€™ve mislynched 2 Townies and you voted on a Kyo lynch - You did not push on it like you pointed out and I know I voted on it also.