[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

I really don’t know.

Then uh
trust me
wazza lied about his night results last night when he had no reason to
he wolf lol

This is what’s throwing me off

By the way Katze was my previous slot’s vote, I just forgot to unvote on that.

Wazza didn’t Appel and didn’t lynch Amelia, but why vote the other bandwagon if your goal is to cause a mislynch?


*didn’t vote Appel
I am trying not to quick edit here.

its okay it felt comfy

But far more likely, loldistancing. Wolves love to have one of their members on the counterwagon to disguise the existence of an agenda.

It’s possible

but… but… iCiBaLuS WaS On a vAnItY WaGoN ThEy mUsT Be sCuM!

That doesn’t even factor into this

hold on let me prove that i’m a villager with a show of absolute disregard for my own survivial-

i just changed to light theme

you might as well AtE because this is just an enhanced selfvote

very well, let’s just accelerate through the stages here

i hate you guys
you’re toxic for lynching me for this
eh whatever
i’m calm now just mislynch me
oh so now you’re not voting me! let me rub this in incredibly smugly
back to normal

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I have now proven that I am a villager in accordance with the sacred rites of AtE. Anybody want to not kill Wazza now?

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now we have to test wazzas AtE to see if it holds up to yours

the true test

How do you feel about Apprentice?

Haven’t read any of their posts because I only replaced in about 50 hours ago.

Let me go check.