[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Then how would Vulgard die?

It is 99% A shaman kill.

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Ritualist would have killed me tbh

So that leaves us with Potential traitors as Lamb and Elementalist

No one has been playing well with reads so it is most likely Elmentalist

If Traitor is Lamb it is most likely Alice

ritualist coulda hit a heretic tbf

Unlikely, why would they not target the medium?

that’s not how it works

like vulgard is almost 100% strongmanned

maybe they want you alive

No reason to.

  1. I’m pretty sure that Drain Blood isn’t an exception to the ‘heretics/traitors give corrupted blood’ thing


you’re probably right

rit has no reason not to kill you since you’re basically consensus not scum

unless you’re converted :eyes:

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tbh I would convert you

Okay so, Arete we have a problem if you’re real

And also yes, I stated this, can you read?

Who are the 4 players you had blood from again.

No Reason to, why would they want another Seer?

Bad Omen poggers

In addition it would be pretty obvious if medium was converted