[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Can I trust that you aren’t converted?


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@katze If you aren’t then we could pro gamer move this up if we get everyone on board.

i don’t know how to convince you i’m not, because from an outsider POV id expect me to be converted too

This will be a miracle if it works

we can only win if our night actions are perfect

but this means that as far as our day play goes we shouldn’t even be considering the world where our night actions aren’t perfect

pretend we will always perfectly act at night, and go from there

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‘if the only way you can win is by drawing an ace on the next turn, play as if you will always draw the ace’

our day actions also have to be perfect


This is why we need quality reads. I know my reads are crap

We have 48 hours to get this right.

i hate that this read doesn’t have a real conclusion because if i asked you for one now i don’t know if i could trust it to come from a villager :sob:

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I want it noted for the record that my read on katze was almost certainly correct

so I’ve had 1 2 correct reads this game at least

go me

shitty read

that emoji use comes from town more often than not

im trying to think how likely it is that marshal converts neither of us

because we’re at LyLo and obviously we’re going to stare eachother down like hawks


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which is baffling

because Marshal’s talked a lot about how we’re two of the people he’d like to be scum with

and I know I’m not converted

which is part of why I’m having trust issues with you

wait was that this game

how about rather than try to figure out if either of us are converted, we think through who was scum before an hour ago


but like, in the Cookie thread and things

/who was town before an hour ago

fuck, if that was this game id actually be kind of sure that you weren’t converted