[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

It’s called a joke lol


Asking for conversion, even if bai-

not tol


fuck no quickediting

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Current Day 3 Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Icibalus DryBones 1/6
Currently Abstaining Wazza, Icibalus, Alice, an_gorta_pratai, katze, Arete, Sulit, Chloe, Braixen 9/10

If I vote again n.1 might shoot me :eyes:

okay so if I take out things that definitely didn’t stop the nightkill I get:
Marshal - WD heal Arete (could be true if he’s a convert, could also have healed someone else if he’s a convert)
Derps/Ici - roleblock an_gorta
Alice - Martyr heal Wazza
Amelia - roleblock Apprentice

if I further remove things that I think are unlikely to have stopped the nightkill I get

Marshal - WD heal Arete (could be true if he’s a convert, could also have healed someone else if he’s a convert)
Derps/Ici - roleblock an_gorta
Alice - Martyr heal Wazza

so either:

  • scum hit the traitor
  • Alice was real on N1 and so was Wazza, and scum attacked Wazza
  • an_gorta is a starting heretic who performed the factional kill, and Derps was not a heretic on N1
  • Marshal was a real healer who was converted and … honestly in that world it doesn’t tell us much because he could be lying about who he healed

this seemed like it was going to be more useful before I did it

scum were all slankers and no actioned



:upside_down_face: :ok_hand:

this is town seth

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im not sure if i want to judge you for your poor choice of who you want dead, or the fact you have 4 people abstaining with 3/10 on the side


i also kind of hate that i can’t go to sleep with a pressure vote on somebody without risking a scum quickhammer if i vote wrong

because i’d like to pressure vote somebody and they’re not awake

also if this is true then that makes my PoE for starting heretics exactly {sulit, Gorta}

oh I guess ‘Alice was a real healer on N1, converted D2, and healed not Wazza N1’ is also an option

I’d lean more Gorta over Sulit if I’m being honest.

Going to sleep now, GN.

if marshal is starting scum then alice is the only healer claim

i know its possible but i don’t want to believe this setup had 0 healers

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this game’s reminder that I greatly despise WotM in any and all capacities

always have, and always will

im aware of this, i tried to make you rerand SFoL58 :eyes:

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