[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!


reading D1 she seems interested in trying to sort slots she considered hard to read though

such as myself

I think Alice might be scum based on that list.

It just doesn’t sit well with me. I don’t care if these people townread me it still doesn’t sit well with me.

i also bled our devout king, which I maintain was a valuable distraction but admit was a mechanically painful decision for us, and we probably only won because town was stupid that last night

I would rather the town read me as slighty scummy than some scum say “hey, this guy is completely town”. I can’t shake the feeling that by being TR by these guys that they make me look even more scummy than I am.

im lightly leaning towards alice not being starting groupscum and the readlist just being kinda bad in hindsight

her convert equity always exists because she’s alice

but Kyo/Alice interactions still suggest that it isn’t W/W and i think she seems genuinely interested in solving certain slots


granted i don’t think ive actually read a wolf!alice game, so my confidence in reading her slot isn’t immensely high

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i think in general this is a good pool to look at

i have two names in particular i want to look at more intently, but i also want to save that for when they’re actually in thread

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Am I correct in saying that being TR by those two has made me look a bit more scummy?

actually im skimming D2 Ritual when we were discussing peeks

i remember thinking sulit was subliminally trying to subvert being peeked

I could honestly see Sulit as starting scum. The Marshal flip sort of changed my opinion on App’s slot, could still be converted, but Chloe has don tons to boost App’s slot. I still don’t quite like it though

i think this is most, if not everything sulit said regards to who italy should peek
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actually i think thats only the latter parts of it

but i know at the beginning the only people beign discussed were me, you, and derps

and then eventually it went to sulit or derps iirc

lemme recheck

who did Marshal want checked

me at first

i forgot where he ended up though, maybe derps?

i know he was pushing for me and/or you

but iirc it was more me than you

Okay so what happened to sulit not liking jgoes’ slot

Was there mechnical info on that?

oh i missed these two things, pretend this is at the very top

the first message is a decent look but she wasn’t really being super discussed at this point

i think it was all because sulit didn’t like their (few) posts

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sulit roleblocked Jgoes N1 (or, well, Jgoes was roleblocked N1 and soolit claims it)


actually it’s kind of weird that she wasn’t pushing for a Jgoes peek there

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