[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

wait no don’t leave me with the person who speaks the wrong english

even though its past both of your bedtimes

and my own bedtime
but im eating dinner now

god dammit
there has to be something I’m missing!

like, something obvious that blows this game wide open! we’re set on track to lose and I’m just sitting around quibbling about a single guy who is probably a wolf instead of doing anything productive!

There’s like, absolutely no way we don’t have a deepwolf out there somewhere, some simple explanation that underpins the entire game, pulls on the curtain and unravels everything.

I’m just too much of a damned fool to be able to see what it is.

Like, it can’t be “Katze is a wolf” for obivous reasons- there is legitimate proof that Katze is almost certainly not a wolf from Marshal’s ISO, and yet I feel inclined to suspect katze!

Is this just my tendency to make hero reads overriding my good sense or what? But as it seems, we need hero reads, and I’d be able to resolve them much easier if only I were a damned viigilante.

The way I see it, we cannot trust anybody any more. And I’m just wondering… Is arete a wolf?

Like is it that simple? Do I have to just go and pull an N and analyse their ISO in Anime and exhaustively compare it to here?

I also don’t llike that An_Gorta is acting basically as Arete’s lieutenant, and seemingly agreeing with everything the nerd says. It’s basically the same thing that made me heavily suspect that Vul was w, but again, and yet it doesn’t make damned sense!

I need to pull an N, it’s clear. I’m going full fucking wallpost. I’m not going to rest until I, personally, solve this entire fucking game.

ive been thinking this all game

and i was pretty sure they weren’t a wolf when D3 started

i still think they have decent D3 convert potential but post-ritual i haven’t gotten bad vibes from them yet?

i think this would only apply if they were a traitor, and even then it seems unlikely because traitors still want to defend the people they think are scum

in anime they were NK and thus didnt really need to defend anybody, just look town

ive been trying to figure out that slot all day too :upside_down_face:

As stated earlier, it’s a tonal thing that I’m looking for, not interaction-wise.

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i see i see

if aretes been a wolf this entire time id feel pretty betrayed but i’d also get some more confidence in my early reads

but i still think that slots villager

My big problem is that when I looked at both EoDs, there was basically this… well, this clique, whoose votes always overlapped, and they always centered around Arete.

And yet this clique was by no means villagery, and like
is the fact that arete keeps voting with wolfy players wolfy?

it does irk me

they’ve been a vocal part of every vote

and every vote has gone against town


we’ve had 2 failed rituals
2 failed lynches

and arete hasn’t been against any of it

and i want to say that they’re scum

but i don’t think they are

Has it occurred to you that… they may still be lost wolf yet?

i think i had a reason to think they werent LW but i don’t remember what it was