[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Kyo did have a very concrete progression on me, so if nothing changes until then I’m probably voting Sulit.

Also I found this Wazza read from Marshal. It’s… very convincing me that both of them are W/W by now.


this changes nothing but it does prove that Kyo acts *weird around his partners.

Probably done as a shitty distancing attempt.

I’m not touching Wazza today, I don’t think, since I’m going to be drawn into bias about him.

i think that’s so on-the-nose a distance that it means Marshal was a starting wolf

Current Day 3 Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Icibalus DryBones 1/6
sulit Icibalus 1/6
Currently Abstaining Wazza, Alice, an_gorta_pratai, katze, Arete, Sulit, Chloe, Braixen 8/10

It’s basically what I thought.

Plus, I don’t think the wolves would be dumb enough to convert the player that was blatantly softing IC.

see, now that I think about it, what clears Apprentice from being a main pack wolf is that in order for him to be one, one starting wolf would have had to prompt another to claim Blood Mage, and then the third starting wolf also claims BM?

I still think his posts are very wolfy and that he’s a likely Traitor/Convert canddiate, and Chloe’s posts have been Not Good™.

lolMarshal lolPointlessFPS lolInnochild

Probably to make Kyo look more villagery?

Interactions-wise Sulit looks terrible here, but Apprentice’s posts were just atrocious, and if he’s a villager who didn’t CC as a 4th BM claim then what the actual fuck?

Let’s be honest we’re well past the point of believing villagers on this site are allowed to make more then five logical decisions every game.

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It’s Apprentice’s claim that’s more of an issue for me.

Right, but then Apprentice created a second fucking PoE which had Marshal in it, so he absolutely is not a starting wolf at this point. One of these occurences would be perfectly acceptable and would not make him unable to be a packwolf, but I just don’t think them all put together is a possibility, however wolfy Apprentice’s slot has been.

We don’t have much time but I think we have to deal with him later.

I feel like villagers are losing this game on sheer ineptitude rather than to fantastic wolf play, to be honest.

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I see your point. So yeah, I kind of believe Sulit may have the most W-equity here.

So thinking rn it’s probably just Sulit/Wazza/D3 Convert/Traitor.

If the Traitor wasn’t converted, then they should be outside Sulit/Wazza/D3 Convert/Seth/You/Braixen.

Which means that the traitor should be in Katze/Arete/Chloe.

Unless they converted the traitor on accident. If so, then lolwolves.

It happens a lot on this site, tbh.

Way too many people here nowadays either rely too much on mechanics or have no idea how to make actual reads on other players outside of meta or gut.

Mechanics is the worst offender in this match being that we’ve completely stopped talking about reads for much of D2 and D3.

I still have no idea where Braixen got the “wolves cleansed last night” thing from???

IIRC, Italy said that, and Braixen is basically taking dead chat as the gospel being that he tunneled on me for all of d2 despite being greenchecked by Italy after Appel said he SR’d me.

Considering that I can remember about 15 posts where Braixen, on no evidence whatsoever, says that wovles used Cleanse last night, that’s also a him thing.