[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

I don’t think I know what bus means :eyes:

Braixen uses ‘bus’ to mean ‘wagon’ from what I can tell

it means when wolves vote other wolves

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This doesn’t make sense at all. Arete and Marshall were both in Italy’s d1 check. They can’t be W/W if Arete is starting Heretic and it’s only possible if Arete was converted D2. Why do you think this?

He STILL knew what Marshal was!

Notice how 2 Blood Mage Claims are Confirmed Dead Scum.

This felt odd as it was a response to Kyo.

Going away now, Please reflect on that!

That first bit is not TMI for very obvious reasons.

We all knew that someone in Me/Marshal/Arete was Body Swapped. This isn’t TMI.

What does this prove?

Why odd?

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I feel like I shouldn’t have to explain why that first bit is not a wolf because it’s presumably something that would be obvious to somebody who is apparently the best villager in the game (self-appointed), but here we go:

Villagers, believe it or not, can speculate about mechanical things that happen to be true.

I say we consult the gods

This was everyone’s thoughts as nobody claimed to have redirected Italy and the Sorcerer can’t redirect.


How about we lynch Sulit, the wolf, instead?


it’s almost like people sometimes mention the name of a role and a player who happened to have that role in the same post
i’m shook


Let me see sulit talk

I have nothing to say


This is where I was at post-Marshal-ritual, the reasons for taking most of these people out of my PoE are generally in my Iso but I can go through them again if you want

enough of these are interactions based that the traitor could be miscleared, it’s not a traitor-finding pool

post-D3-ritual at this point I have DryBones as confident V and Ici as likely V, and I’m soulreading kat as not converted

Kyo interactions look best for you and Nappy out of that pool of four

I’m sorry all I heard was Woof Woof

Sums it up.