[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!


ive been very close but i want to keep my 100% not replacing out record


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speaking of replace outs if i wasn’t ritted i was gonna replace out because i didn’t rlly have time for this game.

so im glad i was ritted

i can’t believe emilia got more votes than i did

more like once in a blue moon
arete is consistent and good at explaining
i… am not

memes > meme




whats a memesky :eyes: can i eat that?

memesky too high iq for people at mu

i have two things going for me
wim regardless of the rand
and entertainment value

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see I have to get all my memeing about Champs out of the way now because once my game starts I’m not allowed to talk about it

The NK win club
A very seclusive and elite organization

I’ve heard tales about them almost sending a memesky to champs

and ur fun to play with which could get you + points tbh

italy is a walking meme

I will slap


you are a singular meme

emilia is more than that


on that note

I’m not going to be joining games that might overlap with my game

and I don’t know when my game is yet

so :eyes:

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