[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

If I’m going to be entirely reasonable, and I agree
D1 was crap

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i do
i don’t think about it too hard

Why did it have to be appelsiini

I think part of why I’m good at reading you is because of seeing so much of your thought process in our hydra game which I can acknowledge you were the other head of now

also I understand you as a person well enough to identify specific things you wouldn’t do as a wolf, which makes it easy to clear you

read people by progression
it will save your ass

wiisp’s iso is the most villagery iso i have read in my life

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how did we lynch amelia btw

im still not sure wisp was very obvtown

Because I’m special

I completely agree
I was pissed off when they got lynched

to be fair

that was two people

i don’t think i have ever read a more obvious v iso

idk i was happy i got to tunnel you to death again :heart:

I unironically hated a few of Wiisp’s D1 posts because there was one that spelled like:
“Why are you trying to find justification for why X could be town” and it felt so off to me, because there were no justifications – it was just discussion.
I think this was about Apprentice too?

Also this game has taught me I need to try and not completely fold under pressure as V

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Doubting my reads led to me not being as good as I could have been. If I had followed my gut I would have lynched Wazza earlier.

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you are

really easy to mislynch tbh

fucking seriously tho

that lynch pissed me off and even though i was scum the fact that villa lynched that was just like :unamused:

this game taught me… absolutely nothing aside from what i’d already believed
alice, katze, marshal and now wazza are strong wolves

i’d say stick to your guns more
I like that you owned up to ritual on kyo because it made a great look for your slot since you were very consistent


idk why this is “now”

wazz has always had a p potent wolf game

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