[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Then just pull your play back slightly

Completely changing your playstyle helps no one here

The only thing Iā€™ve done good which I would be doing ā€˜goodā€™ with my previous playstyle is hardclaiming Blood Mage
And itā€™s a veteran role
It doesnā€™t even help that much
I literally got townread for my own stupidity


okay but if i tried to play a game completely seriously without memeing iā€™d still meme a bit

changing your entire playstyle cold turkey doesnt sound very feasible imo

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Do you want to know what. The thing that makes me angry the most is this post.

ā€œhahaha kyodaz is bad anyway, thatā€™s just how he is deal with itā€

This sort of nonsense can fuck right off. Iā€™m pissed. Goodbye.
Deal with it yourselves.

Does kyo get emotional like this as town/scum? Itā€™s it AI? Someone go check for me I donā€™t have time

is this when i say i donā€™t think this entire rant makes 0 sense for scum!kyo

im not going to read into it

I didnā€™t mean it personally.

I meant that your eccentric playstyle makes you hard to read.

accidentally a word

Alright, time to do some reading

I would be unhappy with my placement on this list but I townread most people above me

D: Iā€™m below you

threads dead

who do you not townread above you on that list

assuming its not just arete

Like everyone except Arete and Wiisp.

Arete is nullscum but not my first lynch.

Wiisp is null for me.


I kind of want more from the low-posters, tbhā€¦ and more reads from everyone in general.

I want to talk about ritual candidates, but ehā€¦


yeah im

kind of not sure why people are TRing them

if itā€™s meta or derpclears or tone

Their tone feels very air-y, oblivious, and whatnot. Usually this doesnā€™t come from groupscum.

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