[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

I was talking about Apprentice

in hindsight I should have seen that confusion coming

I want to consider even the options I think are unlikely. And as said, I hadnā€™t interacted with you two yet, so I want to see if they change anything. I want to see how likely I think it can be the other way around if I go with that specific mindset.

When you first read the thread, did you had any reads in mind or did you form the reads while reading?

Formed by reading. I mostly got fixated on Arete because of a lot of pressuring from Kyoā€™s side and they had fair points for what I saw, and I didnā€™t like their tone either. The opinion of you wasnā€™t influenced by anything iirc.

Are you going to elaborate at some point or

So what made you think we were W/W distancing?

derps called you town for your post before i even noticed you posted it

whats there to elaborate on

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(That is a fair point katze, meow.)

Because I read through your interactions and noted down that you two could have possibly been distancing, but I didnā€™t bookmark the exact posts so I had to go look for them later. Thatā€™s also probably why it seemed like I formed the theory first, reasoning second. I couldnā€™t find the post where you were supposedly shading Arete, and at this point I think I misread when you were shading Kyo. Donā€™t know. Even more the reason Iā€™ll have to read through your interactions again, I will form a new opinion if one happens to form.










How was this shading? I was basically probing into what Kyo was doing and since his answers were unsatisfactory, I voted him.

Canā€™t quote, but pretty sure it was when you said him reverting to talking about mechanics is a bad look. Thatā€™s the only one from ā€œaround the same timeā€, but I still found the way you defended Arete unnatural. I really donā€™t want to overdefend my theory until I re-read things again, though.

I got distracted reading the first half of the if youā€™re gonna be gone for extended period of time thread

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ā€¦I was already voting him and this was after a push. This wasnā€™t shading and it was more direct pressure on Kyo.

Iā€™ll wait. Iā€™ll still like for you to explain your first impressions on our interactions

You know I really should probabaly sleep

Yes, the point was that IF I misread it as you shading Arete, it would make sense. But unless anyone has anything else to ask me, Iā€™ll be going now

Can you give me your thoughts on Apprentice?

Very few posts, only made the read about you being wolf which they did provide some reasoning for, fluffposted, left. Null at this point


could you explain this one to me also

Maybe I shouldā€™ve rather said it lessens the possibility of you two being scum. My read earlier couldā€™ve been interpreted as wolfy which some players did, and so it wouldnā€™t really stand out if she were to vote me since she did voice her suspicions.

so you think arete/alice not voting together makes it less likely for them to be W/W?

weā€™re not not voting together at the moment