[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

i did suspect him of being a LW


I think I’m willing to say that Ici wasn’t a heretic at the point when he domed himself with Wazza
katze wasn’t a heretic at the point when Marshal got ritualed
Braixen wasn’t a heretic today or yesterday
DryBones wasn’t a heretic at EoD2
Chloe wasn’t a heretic at EoD2

leaves Wazza/Alice/Gorta/sulit as our {1-2 starting heretics and 0-1 D2 converted heretics} pool

Wait I misread that that is a hella contractidory words

Sulit = Heretic
Wazza = Seer or Traitor

so this pool should, if I’m right, contain two scum at minimum

but that’s what I said about Amelia/Marshal/App and that probably had exactly one

im reading through sulit’s iso starting on d1 and i noticed that she swaps votes a lot

can someone tell me if this is normal for her
i havent played with her a lot and last game i remember, she was fool, so not a good comparison

this is kind of exactly the pool of people i want to look at right now

are you actually unconverted :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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im in a bit of disbelief honestly

but okay, i think i have to assume you aren’t until further evidence. hunting for the D3 convert isn’t where we should be looking at anyway.

no clue ask @arete

Hello arete please help

Finishing up my d1 iso of sulit

then i’ll go to d2

post this one first or post both at once?

I don’t remember if that’s AI for her

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Guys just realized I can channel spirit a heretic

i cant find any reason for her push on jgoes unless im blind


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How can I use this to my advantage

i don’t think you can?

If there is a will there is a way

It would be funny tho

so you can use these 3 tomorrow?

No it’s the unlimited abilities

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