[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!


without claiming, can you explain why you said your flip was going to be a meme?

That would ruin the fun

Why have you accepted death?

god I hate players like you

1 Like

you’re a blood mage aren’t you

I’m not feeling an Appel lynch

I kinda see what y’all a re talking about in terms of posts being kinda artificial but I also think they’re kinda towny and their play reminds me of all the other town play I’ve seen from them.

@astand VC?

/vote Wazza

That was me saying no to Arete not trying to be rude. No need to be mean D:

/vote Apprentice

dumb take

but I think W!Apprentice would see getting lynched D1 than most plausible flips from V!Apprentice would be (with the possible exception of the IC)

if apprentice is a blood mage id get why hes giving up completely

3 people who are all townier than him are claiming it

Ngh I didn’t realize scum had swap

*would see it as a better meme

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Apprentice Alice, Braixen, Arete 3/9
Appelsiini Marshal, Napoleon 2/9
SirDerpsAlot KyoDaz, DryBones 2/9
Wiisp SirDerpsAlot 1/9
Wazza sulit 1/9
Jgoesgaming Wiisp 1/9

@Apprentice if you are BM pretty plz claim rn

I’m fine with Appelsiini or Alice today

I mean even if I was claiming does nothing for me at this point unless I claim IC


But Alice isn’t a wagon so I’m going with my second favourite
